From A to Z - 101 Ways to Have Fun and Stay Fit | What’s happening in Denver

From A to Z - 101 Ways to Have Fun and Stay Fit

Woman on bike

When I lived in NYC, I had an 80-year old friend named Bea, who was one of the most active people I knew. She got up early, went early to play several rounds of tennis, had lunch with friends, played a couple of hands of bridge in the afternoon, then went out ballroom dancing almost every evening. She was fit, young at heart and always smiling. She exemplified what studies indicate...that exercise not only keeps you in better health, but that there are considerable mental and emotional benefits from exercise as well. And if you choose an activity that has a group aspect, as many do, you automatically expand your social circle. I decided her active lifestyle was part of what kept her young, and ever since meeting her, I have always aspired to be like her when I am 80.

Now not everyone would be interested in the activities she chose, or even able to do them, but most people will find several activities on this list that intrigue or inspire them. And if you have some type of physical limitation, as many people do, seek options to modify the activity. I have a good friend who teaches dance at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Not only does he choreograph for students who are Deaf or hearing impaired, he has also choreographed performance pieces for those in wheelchairs who came to him and wanted to dance. It goes to show you that your only true limitations are those you put on yourself.

So here’s a list of 101 activities, from A to Z to help you get out, get active, get fit and be social! You’ll undoubtedly find you have a richer, happier life for doing so.

A – Aquafit Classes, Aerobics, Archery, Acrobatics

B – Baseball, Bowling, Bicycling, Ballroom Dancing, Ballet, Badminton, Basketball, Belly Dancing, Billiards, Boxing

C – Canoeing, Crewing, Croquet, Curling

D – Dog Walking, Diving, Darts, Downhill Skiing, Duck Pin

E – Eliptical Training, English Country Dancing

F – Fishing, Fencing, Football, Field Hockey

G – Gardening, Golf

H – Hiking, Hang Gliding, Horseback Riding, Horse Shoes, Handball, Hunting,

I – Ice Skating, Ice Hockey

J – Jumping Rope, Jazzercise, Jet ski, Judo

K – Kite Flying, Karate, Kick Boxing, Kayaking

L –  Lacrosse, Line Dancing

M – Mountain Climbing, Martial Arts

N – Nordic Skiing, Net ball

O – Orienteering

P – Pilates, Paddleboat, Polo, Pushups and Pullups, Paddle Boat, Punching Bag, Paddle Board

Q – Quoits, Quidditch

R – Race Walking, Rock Climbing, Running, Roller Skating, Rowing, Rollerblading, Rugby

S – Sailing, Swimming, Scuba, Snorkeling, Stretching, Square Dancing, Snow Shoeing, Skin Diving, Soccer, Squash, Spinning, Snowboarding

T – Tennis, Tai Chi, Tango, Tobogganing

U – Unicycling

V – Volleyball, Vinyasa Yoga

W – Walking, Weight lifting, Whitewater Rafting, Wii Sports, Wrestling, Wiffle Ball, Wind Surfing

X – X-Country Skiing, X-Training

Y – Yoga

Z – Zumba, Ziplining

P.S. If you’re like me and you want to find out exactly how many calories you’re burning with those activities, check out My Fitness Pal or a downloadable fitness calculator for your phone.
